Friends born under the astrological sign of Aries

Aries (Birthday March 21 – April 19) is a constellation located in the northern sky. November is the best time to locate the Aries constellation.

Understanding Adorable Aries:
Aries (the Ram) is the first sign of the Zodiac. Like the other fire signs, it is associated with action, passion, and energy.

People born under the sign of Aries love a challenge. They are full of life and are known for their energy, curiosity, and their desire for justice. They are highly competitive and make strong leaders, but lose patience with those in a position of authority who do not treat them as equals.

Although they can be impulsive and sometimes hot tempered, they are also fiercely loyal, highly protective, and quick to offer a sincere apology if they are in the wrong. Their bright energy, their resilience, and their enthusiasm make them terrific members to have on your team!

Your Aries friend may be Loyal, Patriotic, Courageous, Adventurous, Confident, and Passionate

When you buy a star kit for Aries, they may develop an interest in Astronomy or celestial navigation, as it appeals to their curious nature.

Ruling Celestial Body - The Zodiac sign of Aries is ruled by the Planet Mars
Jewelry - The Aries Birthstone - Diamond.
Florists - The Aries flower - Honeysuckle